Vol. 2, no. 2 of 'The Phonogram' magazine, published Feb. 1892.
A Good Maxim
A Novel Phone
A Meteoric Stone Containing Gold
An Electric Locomotive
Authors and Publishers
Heat Converted Into Electricity
Long-Distance Telephone Concert in Philadelphia
One of America's Greatest Men of Science: Professor John Henry
Phonograph Concert
Reading Notices
Shorthand by Mail
The Electric Boat "Zurich"
The Electric Light Convention at Buffalo
The Electric Atom
The Efficacy of the Phonograph in Curing Deafness
The Phonograph in 1614
The Phonograph and the Typewriter Go Hand in Hand
Where Shall We Get Our Power and What Shall it Be?
World's Fair Notes
Please note, there are several magazines titled 'Phonogram'. This is the publication edited by Virginia H. McRae for the North American Phonograph Company between 1891 and 1893.A date/title index is forthcoming at the
Media History Digital Library.
Uploaded to Archive.org by the National Recording Preservation Board. Scanned from microfilm as original issues are scarce. Please excuse the quality of some images. Thanks to
Patrick Feaster for lending the films.